Znalazłem w necie skrypt dzieku ktoremu moge dodawac pliki na serwer. Jest w nim opcja wlanczajaca autoryzacje, ale ona niedziala, niewiem czy jest w nim jakis blad czy ja cos zle robie, prosze o pomoc...
Oto skrypt:


################## configurations ####################

# header & title of this file
$title = "File Upload Manager";

# individual file size limit - in bytes (102400 bytes = 100KB)
$file_size_ind = "1048576";

# the upload store directory (chmod 777)
$dir_store= "store";

# the images directory
$dir_img= "img";

# the style-sheet file to use (located in the "img" directory, excluding .css)
$style = "style-def";

# the file type extensions allowed to be uploaded
$file_ext_allow = array("gif","GIF","jpg","JPG","jpeg","png","txt","doc","zip","rar","ace","pdf");

# option to display the file list
# to enable/disable, enter '1' to ENABLE or '0' to DISABLE (without quotes)
$file_list_allow = 1;

# option to allow file deletion
# to enable/disable, enter '1' to ENABLE or '0' to DISABLE (without quotes)
$file_del_allow = 1;

# option to password-protect this script [-part1]
# to enable/disable, enter '1' to ENABLE or '0' to DISABLE (without quotes)
$auth_ReqPass = 1;

# option to password-protect this script [-part2]
# if "$auth_ReqPass" is enabled you must set the username and password
$auth_usern = "login";
$auth_passw = "password";

################ end of configurations ###############


if (@phpversion() < '4.1.0') {
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$fum_vers = "1.3"; # do not edit this line, the script will not work!!!
$fum_info_full = "File Upload Manager v$fum_vers";

function authDo($auth_userToCheck, $auth_passToCheck)
    global $auth_usern, $auth_passw;
    $auth_encodedPass = md5($auth_passw);
    if ($auth_userToCheck == $auth_usern && $auth_passToCheck == $auth_encodedPass) {
    $auth_check = TRUE;
    } else {
    $auth_check = FALSE;
    return $auth_check;
    if (isset($logout)) {
    setcookie ('fum_user', "",time()-3600);
    setcookie ('fum_pass', "",time()-3600);
    if (isset($login)) {
    $auth_password_en = md5($auth_formPass);
    $auth_username_en = $auth_formUser;

    if (authDo($auth_username_en, $auth_password_en)) {
    setcookie ('fum_user', $auth_username_en,time()+3600);
    setcookie ('fum_pass', $auth_password_en,time()+3600);
    $auth_msg = "<b>Authentication successful!</b> The cookies have been set.<br><br>".
    $auth_msg . "Your password (MD5 encrypted) is: $auth_password_en";
    } else {
    $auth_msg = "<b>Authentication error!</b>";

if (($_GET[act]=="dl")&&$_GET[file])
    if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && isset($fum_user) && !isset($logout))) {
    if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && authDo($fum_user, $fum_pass))) {


    if (!file_exists($dl_full))
    echo"ERROR: Cannot download file, it does not exist.<br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";  
    header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$dl_name");
    header("Content-Length: ".filesize($dl_full));
    header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
    header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary");


function getlast($toget)

    return $lastext;

function replace($o)
    return $o;

<!-- <?=$fum_info_full?> -->

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title><? echo ($title) ? ($title) : ("File Upload Manager"); ?></title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$dir_img?>/<?=$style?>.css" type="text/css">
    if ($auth_ReqPass == 1)
  if (isset($login) || isset($logout)) {
      echo("<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'>");
<body bgcolor="#F7F7F7"><br><br>
    if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && isset($fum_user) && !isset($logout))) {
    if ($auth_ReqPass != 1 || ($auth_ReqPass == 1 && authDo($fum_user, $fum_pass))) {
<table width="560" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <td><font size="3"><b><i><? echo ($title) ? ($title) : ("File Upload Manager"); ?></i></b></font>&nbsp;<font style="text-decoration: bold; font-size: 9px;">v<?=$fum_vers?></font>&nbsp;
    #--Please do not remove my link/copyright as it is unfair and a breach of the license--#
    echo"<a href=\"http://www.mtnpeak.net\" style=\"text-decoration: none; color: #C0C0C0; font-size: 9px; cursor: default\";>&copy; thepeak</a>";
    if (!eregi("777",decoct(fileperms($dir_store))))
  echo"<br><br><b><h4><font color=\"FF0000\">ERROR: cannot access the upload store file directory. please chmod the \"$dir_store\" directory with value 0777 (xrw-xrw-xrw)!</h4></font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">refresh</a>";
  if (!$_FILES[fileupload])
<table width="560" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table_decoration" style="padding-top:5px;padding-left=5px;padding-bottom:5px;padding-right:5px">
  <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <td>file:</td><td><input type="file" name="fileupload" class="textfield" size="30"></td>
    <td>rename to:</td><td><input type="text" name="rename" class="textfield" size="46"></td>
    <td>file types allowed:</td><td>
  if (($i<>count($file_ext_allow)-1))$commas=", ";else $commas="";
  echo $value.$commas;
    <td>file size limit:</td>
      if ($file_size_ind >= 1048576)
    $file_size_ind_rnd = round(($file_size_ind/1024000),3) . " MB";
      elseif ($file_size_ind >= 1024)
    $file_size_ind_rnd = round(($file_size_ind/1024),2) . " KB";
      elseif ($file_size_ind >= 0)
    $file_size_ind_rnd = $file_size_ind . " bytes";
    $file_size_ind_rnd = "0 bytes";
      echo "$file_size_ind_rnd";
    <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="upload" class="button">&nbsp;<input type="reset" value="clear" class="button"></td>
  if ((!$_GET[act]||!$_GET[file])&&$_GET[act]!="delall")
      $opendir = @opendir($dir_store);

      while ($readdir = @readdir($opendir))
    if ($readdir<>"." && $readdir<>".." && $readdir != "index.html")
        $filearr[] = $readdir;
        $key = sizeof($filearr)-$i;
        $file = $filearr[$key];

<table width="560" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table_decoration" style="padding-left:5px">
    <td><b>admin tools:</b>
    if ($file_del_allow != 1 && $auth_ReqPass != 1)

    if ($file_del_allow == 1 && $file_list_allow == 1 && (count($filearr) >= 1))
  echo"<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"cf=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete ALL FILES?');if (cf)window.location='?act=delall'; return false;\" style=\"font-size: 9px;\">&lt;delete all files&gt;</a>";
    if ($auth_ReqPass == 1)
  echo"&nbsp;<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?logout=1\" style=\"font-size: 9px;\">&lt;log-out&gt;<a>";
      if ($file_list_allow == 1 && (count($filearr) >= 1))
<table width="560" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="table_decoration" style="padding-left:6px">
  <tr bgcolor="#DBDBDB">
    <td align="left" width="46%">FILE NAME</td>
    <td align="center" width="12%">FILE TYPE</td>
    <td align="center" width="12%">FILE SIZE</td>
    <td align="center" width="30%">FUNCTIONS</td>

        if ($value)
      $value_en = base64_encode($value);
          if (strlen($value) >= 48)
        $value_view = substr($value_view, 0, 45) . '...';
    <td width="30%"><?="<a href=\"?act=view&file=$value_en\">$value_view</a>"?></td>
    <td align="center" width="5%"><? echo strtoupper(getlast($value)); ?></td>
    <td align="center" width="5%"><?

        $value_full = $dir_store."/".$value;
        $file_size = filesize($value_full);
  if ($file_size >= 1048576)
      $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1048576),2) . " MB";
  elseif ($file_size >= 1024)
      $show_filesize = number_format(($file_size / 1024),2) . " KB";
  elseif ($file_size >= 0)
      $show_filesize = $file_size . " bytes";
      $show_filesize = "0 bytes";

  echo "$show_filesize";
    <td align="center" width="5%"><?="<a title=\"View File\" href=\"?act=view&file=$value_en\">&lt;view&gt;</a>"?> |
    if ($file_del_allow == 1)
  echo"<a title=\"Download file\" href=\"?act=dl&file=$value_en\">&lt;dl&gt;</a>";
  echo"<a title=\"Download file\" href=\"?act=dl&file=$value_en\">&lt;download&gt;</a>";

    if ($file_del_allow == 1)
  echo"&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a title=\"Delete file\" href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"cf=confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this file?');if (cf)window.location='?act=del&file=$value_en'; return false;\">&lt;delete&gt;</a>";
  elseif (($_GET[act]=="view")&&$_GET[file])
      $value_de = base64_decode($_GET[file]);
      echo"<script language=\"javascript\">\nViewPopup = window.open(\"$dir_store/$value_de\", \"fum_viewfile\", \"toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,location=no,wid
      echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/info.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">file opened!</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a><br><br><br>If the file did not display, you must <b>disable</b> your popup manager, or enable javascript in your browser.";
  elseif (($_GET[act]=="del")&&$_GET[file])
      $value_de = base64_decode($_GET[file]);
      echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/info.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">file has been deleted!</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";
  if ($_GET[act]=="delall")
      $handle = opendir($dir_store);
      if (($file != ".")&&($file != ".."))

      echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/info.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">all files have been deleted!</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";


      if (getlast($fileupload_name)!=$file_ext_allow[$i])

  if (count($exp)==(count($file_ext_allow)+1))
      echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">ERROR: your file type is not allowed (".getlast($fileupload_name).")</font>, or you didn't specify a file to upload.</b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";

      if ($weight>$file_size_ind)
    echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">ERROR: please get the file size less than ".$file_size_ind." BYTES  (".round(($file_size_ind/1024),2)." KB)</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";

    foreach($_FILES[fileupload] as $key=>$value)
        echo"<font color=\"#3399FF\">$key</font> : $value <br>";

    echo "<br>";

    $dest = '';

    if (($source != 'none') && ($source != '' ))
        if ($dest != '')
      if (file_exists($uploadpath.$fileupload_name))
          echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">ERROR: that file has already been uploaded before, please choose another file</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";
          if (copy($source,$dest))
        if ($_POST[rename])
            if (@rename("$dir_store/$fileupload_name","$dir_store/$_POST[rename].".getlast($fileupload_name)))
          echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/info.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">file has been renamed to $_POST[rename].".getlast($fileupload_name)."!</font></b></font><br>";
        echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/info.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">file has been uploaded!</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";
        echo"<br><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;<b><font size=\"2\">ERROR: cannot upload, please chmod the dir to 777</font></b><br>»<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">back</a>";

#/# end of main script, start authentication code IF user not logged in IF $auth_ReqPass is enabled

  echo("<p><img src=\"$dir_img/error.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\">&nbsp;Authentication error</p>" .
"<p><a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?logout=1'>Delete cookies and login again<a></p>");

    if (!isset($login) || isset($relogin)) {
<font size="3"><b><i><? echo ($title) ? ($title) : ("File Upload Manager"); ?></i> - Authentication</b></font><br><br>
<table class="table_auth"><tr><td><center>
Please enter the username and password to enter the restricted area.<br>
You must have cookies enabled in your browser to continue.
<form action="<?=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?>?login=1" method="POST"><p>
Username: <input type="text" name="auth_formUser" size="20"><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="auth_formPass" size="20">
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" class="button" value="Log-In"></p>
    elseif (isset($login))
  echo("<p>$auth_msg</p>" . "<p>You'll be redirected in 2 seconds!</p>");

Jak ktos chciałby przetestowac ten skrypt to znajduje sie on pod adresem: http://skrypty.webpc.pl/pobierz250.html

A jak ktos ma jakis dobry skrypt upload z dzialajaca autoryzacja i moglby sie nim podzielic to byłbym wdzieczny.. smile.gif

Z góry dzieki za każda pomoc... ;]