Mając taki skrypt który generuje PDF'a(biblioteka PDFlib 5.0.1) pod php(4.3.1)(to wszystko pod Linux'em Red Hat 7.1)-nie pojawiają się polskie znaki, co to moze być.


/* create a new PDFlib object */
$p = PDF_new();

/* open new PDF file; insert a file name to create the PDF on disk */
PDF_open_file($p, "");

PDF_set_info($p, "Creator", "hello.php");
PDF_set_info($p, "Author", "Rainer Schaaf");
PDF_set_info($p, "Title", "a");

PDF_begin_page($p, 595, 842); /* start a new page */

$font = PDF_load_font($p, "Times-Roman", "iso8859-2", "");

PDF_setfont($p, $font, 24.0);
PDF_set_text_pos($p, 50, 700);
PDF_show($p, "śńłóżź");
PDF_end_page($p); /* close page */

PDF_close($p); /* close PDF document */

$buf = PDF_get_buffer($p);
$len = strlen($buf);

header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=hello.pdf");
print $buf;

PDF_delete($p); /* delete the PDFlib object */

1. php Pro => php
2. BBCode

1. php => Skrypty