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Pełna wersja: [mylittleforum] spolszczenie do forum my little forum
Forum PHP.pl > Forum > Gotowe rozwiązania > Szukam
Potzrebuje spolszczenia do forum my little forum , prosze o linki
Przed chwilą patrzałem na "language files", które są dołączone oryginalnie do pakietu My little forum (j. angielski i niemiecki) i szczerze powiem, że wystarczy posiedzieć 30-60 minut i będziesz w posiadaniu polskiego języka na owym forum;)
no tak tylko ze to troche roboty jest biggrin.gif
  1. language = pl
  2. charset = iso-8859-2
  3. locale = pl
  4. locale = pl_PL@pln
  5. locale = pol
  6. time_format = %d.%m.%Y, %H:%M
  7. time_format_full = %d.%m.%Y, %H:%M
  8. date_format = %d.%m.%Y
  10. [general]
  11. submit_button_ok =  OK 
  12. yes = tak
  13. no = nie
  14. edit = edycja
  15. delete = usuń
  16. counter_users_online = [total_postings] Postings in [total_threads] Threads, [registered_users] registered users, [total_users_online] users online ([registered_users_online] registered, [unregistered_users_online] guests)
  17. contact = Contact
  18. no_messages = No messages have been posted so far.
  19. no_messages_in_category = No messages have been posted so far in this category.
  20. error_text_too_long = The message is too long ([text_length] characters - only [text_maxlength] characters are allowed)
  21. error_word_too_long = The word "[word]" is too long
  22. error_name_too_long = The name is too long
  23. error_email_too_long = The e-mail address is too long
  24. error_hp_too_long = The homepage is too long
  25. error_location_too_long = The location is too long
  26. error_profile_too_long = The profile is too long ([profile_length] characters - only [profile_maxlength] characters are allowed)
  27. error_signature_too_long = The signature is too long ([signature_length] characters - only [signature_maxlength] characters are allowed)
  28. error_invalid_date_format = Invalid date format of birthday (DD.MM.YYYY)
  29. error_invalid_date = Invalid birthdate
  30. error_email_wrong = The e-mail address is invalid
  31. error_pw_conf_wrong = The password is not the same as the repeated one
  32. user_name_already_exists = This user name already exists
  34. [posting]
  35. no_auth_edit = You are not permitted to edit this message!
  36. edit_period_expired = The period within messages can be edited ([minutes] minutes) has expired.
  37. no_auth_thread_locked = You can't edit the message because the thread is locked.
  38. no_auth_post_reg_users = Only registered users can post messages
  39. new_topic_hl = New topic
  40. reply_hl = Post reply
  41. edit_hl = Edit entry
  42. name_marking = Name:
  43. email_marking = E-mail:
  44. hp_marking = Homepage:
  45. location_marking = Location:
  46. remember_userdata_marking = Remember userdata (cookie)
  47. delete_cookie_linkname = delete cookie
  48. category_marking = Category:
  49. subject_marking = Subject:
  50. message_marking = Message:
  51. bbcode_bold_marking = bold
  52. bbcode_bold_title = Format text in bold: Text
  53. bbcode_italic_marking = italic
  54. bbcode_italic_title = Format text in italic: Text
  55. bbcode_link_marking = link
  56. bbcode_link_title = Insert hyperlink: [link=http://www.domain.tld/]link text[/link] or [link]http://www.domain.tld/[/link]
  57. bbcode_link_linktext = Link text (optional):
  58. bbcode_link_url_marking = Link target (URL):
  59. bbcode_image_marking = image
  60. bbcode_image_title = Insert image:
  61. upload_image_marking = upload
  62. upload_image_title = Upload image
  63. smiley_title = Insert smiley
  64. email_notific_marking = E-mail notification if there has been a reply to this message
  65. show_signature_marking = Attach signature
  66. fix_thread = Fix thread
  67. message_submit_button = OK - Submit
  68. message_submit_title = Save entry
  69. message_preview_button = Preview
  70. message_preview_title = Preview your post before saving
  71. delete_quoted_text = Please delete not required quoted text --> [delete_link]
  72. delete_link = delete text completely
  73. reply_to_posting_marking = Reply to the message by <b>[name]</b>:
  74. preview_headline = Preview:
  75. error_not_accepted_word = the posting contains at least one not accepted word
  76. error_no_name = no name has been entered
  77. error_name_reserved = This name is already reserved by a registered user
  78. error_username_too_long = The user name is too long
  79. error_name_too_long = The name is too long
  80. error_no_email_to_notify = no e-mail address found for notification
  81. error_no_subject = no subject has been entered
  82. error_no_text = no message text has been entered
  83. error_subject_too_long = The subject is too long
  85. edit_user_board_view = Board view
  86. edit_user_mix_view = Mix view
  87. edit_user_time_diff = Time difference:
  88. edit_user_notification = E-mail notification:
  89. admin_mod_notif_posting = once a new message has been posted
  90. admin_mod_notif_register = once a new user has signed up
  91. userdata_submit_button = OK - Save
  92. profile_saved = Your profile has been saved.
  93. pw_changed = The password has been changed.
  95. [edit_pw]
  96. edit_pw_old = Old password:
  97. edit_pw_new = New password:
  98. edit_pw_conf = Repeat new password:
  99. error_old_pw_wrong = The old password is wrong
  100. error_pw_conf_wrong = The new password is not the same as the repeated one
  102. [edit_email]
  103. edit_email_exp = When changing the e-mail address the account has to be activated again. An activation key will be sent to the new e-mail address. Be sure the e-mail adress is correct! The account has to be activated within one day.
  104. edit_email = New E-mail:
  105. edit_email_pw = Password:
  107. [register]
  108. register_exp = Please specify the user name desired, a password and a valid e-mail address. An activation key will be sent to this e-mail address. The account has to be activated within one day.
  109. register_username = Username:
  110. register_user_email = E-mail
  111. register_pw = Password:
  112. register_pw_conf = Repeat Password:
  113. register_only_by_admin = Users can only be registered by the admin of the forum.
  114. registered = The account has been registered and the activation key has been sent to <b>[var]</b>. The account has to be activated within one day.
  115. registered_send_error = The account has been registered but the activation key could not been sent. Try to generate a new password under "login/password forgotten"
  116. activation_failed = The activation of the account failed.
  117. error_email_alr_exists = There is already a user with this e-mail address
  119. [delete_cookie]
  120. delete_cookie_title = Delete cookie
  121. delete_cookie_info = The Cookie has been deleted.
  123. [emails]
  124. mail_error = Mail server not available - please try again later!
  125. email_subject = Reply to your post
  126. email_text = """Hi [recipient],
  127. [name] has written a reply to this post:
  129. Subject: [subject]
  131. [text]
  133. URL of this post: [posting_address]
  135. --- Original post: ---
  137. Subject: [original_subject]
  139. [original_text]"""
  140. admin_email_subject = New entry in the forum: [subject]
  141. admin_email_text = """New Entry by [name]
  142. Subject: [subject]
  144. [text]
  146. Link to the entry: [posting_address]"""
  147. admin_email_text_reply = """Reply by [name]
  149. Subject: [subject]
  151. [text]
  153. Link to the entry: [posting_address]"""
  154. admin_reg_user_email_subj = Forum registration
  155. admin_reg_user_email_text = """Hi [name],
  156. welcome to the forum!
  158. The access data you require for log in:
  160. User name: [name]
  161. Password: [password]
  163. Click here to log in directly:
  164. [login_link]
  166. In the user area the user data and the password can be changed."""
  168. new_user_email_sj = Forum registration
  169. new_user_email_txt = """Hi [name],\nwelcome to the forum!\n\nto activate the account please follow this link:\n[activate_link]"""
  170. new_user_email_txt_a = """Hi [name],\nwelcome to the forum!\n\nThe access data you require for log in:\nUser name: [name]\nPassword: [password]\n\nClick here to log in directly:\n[login_link]\n\nIn the user area the user data and the password can be changed."""
  171. new_user_notif_sj = New user subscription
  172. new_user_notif_txt = """Hi [admin],\na new user has subscribed to the forum.\n\nUser name: [name]\ne-mail: [email]\n\n[user_link]"""
  174. pwf_activating_email_sj = Request for a new password
  175. pwf_activating_email_txt = """Hi [name],\nthis e-mail has been sent from the forum ([forum_address]) because a new password has been requested. Please click the link below to confirm your request. By following the link a new password will be generated and sent to you. If this e-mail has been sent in error (either by you or someone else) please ignore this e-mail and accept our apologies.\n\n[activating_link]"""

i tak to skrocilem o 10 000 znakow biggrin.gif
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